252 Schools Apply for Innovative Status For Next School Year

Sofia, Feb 07 (BTA/GNA) – A total of 252 schools have submitted projects that will secure them innovative status for the next school year, the Education Ministry said.

The majority of projects are about introduction of new teaching methods. There are projects with educational content, teaching plans and curricula developed in a new manner, as well as use of artificial intelligence in education. Others are aimed at a new and improved way of management, teaching and educational environment.

Much of the proposed innovations is related to project-based teaching, digitalization, and STEM education. There are projects in the fields of arts, sports, and ecology. Another focus is personal development and career orientation.

The candidates include eight elementary schools, 92 primary, 67 high schools, 7 schools for 1-10 grade, 20 specialized and 58 vocational high schools.

The next step is the assessment of the submitted projects, which will be carried out by a commission for innovative schools comprised of experts in education, specialists from the fields of science, business, and technological industries.

At the moment, the list of innovative schools includes 542 schools. Every year their number increases, the Education Ministry said.

On November 21, the Ministry said that the schools working on the National Program Innovations in Action will receive over BGN 2 million.

BGN 1,875,000 are allocated for encouraging and increasing good innovations. Those funds will be used to execute partnerships with visits to the schools for the presentation of good educational innovations. Some 300 innovative schools will be funded in this module, another 300 which don’t have this status, and the two Bulgarian state schools in Prague and Bratislava.