Methodist Guild holiday camp ends at Tarkwa

By Justina Paaga

Tarkwa (WR), Oct. 23, GNA – The Eleventh Biennial Connexional Methodist Guild Holiday Camp on the theme, “Discipleship: Living the transformed life in Jesus Christ” has ended at Tarkwa in the Western Region.  

As part of efforts to rekindle the spirit of evangelism to win more souls for both the organisation and the Church, the members went on a procession through the principal streets of the Tarkwa–Nsuaem Municipality, amid singing and dancing with placards propagating religious inscriptions. 

Among them were, ”Discipleship: Be Transformed,’ God Will Give You Rest’ and ‘I’ve not Come to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repent’. 

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, the outgoing Chairman of the Organisation, Mr George Arkoh Mensah, said, despite the proliferation of Churches in the country, social vices were on the ascendency with some being led by the so called ”Men of God”. 

He pointed out that Ghana, described as a country flowing with milk and honey due to the abundant natural resources endowed with, one wondered why its citizenry should continue to wallow in poverty. 

He noted that it was caused by “our own selfish interest and greed, which has led to the destruction of our environment including the fertile land, virgin forests and water bodies polluted to look like fruit juice’. 

He cautioned the youth against drug abuse, pre-marital sex, alcoholism, illegal mining, sakawa, corruption and theft adding that all these were contributory factors to the economic hardships confronting the country. 

Mr Arkoh Mensah, entreated the public to turn over a new leaf and draw closer to Christ and contribute positively towards the development of Ghana to move from poverty class to the level of a wealth creation nation. 

A seven-member Executive under the Chairmanship of Mrs Patience Ameyaa Sam, was elected to steer the affairs of the Methodist Guild. Their three-year term of office begins January 2023. 

The other executive of the Connexional Guild Officers elected were Vice Chairman- Bro. Emmanuel Panyin Eshun – Obuasi, Secretary – Bro. Ebenezer K. Fosu Dadzie – Winneba and Asst. Sect. Bro. Samuel Arhin – Kumasi. 

The rest were Treasurer – Bro. Maxwell Amoah – Sunyani, Organising Sect – Bro. Benjamin Fiifi Graham – Winneba and Evangelism Coordinator- Evangelist Joseph Frimpong – Wenchi.