6th FAAPA GA Adopts 2 Proposals on Expanding Federation’s Executive Council, Creating Honorary Committee

Rabat, Oct 9, (MAP/GNA) – The 6th General Assembly of the Atlantic Federation of African News Agencies (FAAPA) adopted, Friday in Rabat, two proposals concerning the expansion of the membership of the Executive Council of the Federation and the creation of an Honorary Committee.

These two proposals were submitted to the General Assembly by the Executive Council of FAAPA, chaired by Khalil Hachimi Idrissi. The number of members of the FAAPA Executive Council was thus increased to eleven, instead of the current nine.

The General Assembly also approved the candidacies of the Ghana News Agency (GNA), the Guinea News Agency (AGP) and the Gabon News Agency (AGP) to become members of the Executive Council.

In addition, the General Assembly approved the creation of an Honorary Committee, which will be composed of former Chief Executive Officers of African news agencies and eminent personalities, with the aim of defending the objectives of FAAPA and reflecting on its future.

The General Assembly also adopted an amendment to the FAAPA Grand Prize to clarify the criteria for selecting candidates and to make it easier for news agencies to apply. This amendment will also open the Prize to other fields, namely culture and innovation.

In addition, the second day of this General Assembly was marked by the examination of training proposals for journalists and executives of member agencies, particularly in the areas of community management, artificial intelligence, commercial marketing and editorial techniques.

Created in 2014 on the sidelines of the 1st Forum of News Agencies of Atlantic and West Africa in Casablanca, FAAPA is an essential milestone for the modernization of information and a professional platform that allows African countries to share their experiences and know-how in the field of news agencies.