Heavy fuel oil pumped out of freighter stranded in Gibraltar

Madrid, Sept. 7, (dpa/GNA) - Heavy fuel oil dangerous to the Mediterranean ecosystem, carried by a ship grounded near Gibraltar, has been almost completely pumped out of the freighter, according to the authorities. 

The state of emergency declared because of the danger of pollution was also lifted, the government of Gibraltar said on Tuesday. 

The OS 35, carrying 183 tonnes of heavy fuel oil, 250 tonnes of diesel and 27 tonnes of lubricating oil, collided with a liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker last week for unknown reasons and was subsequently grounded in shallow water off a beach on the east side of Gibraltar after water got into the vessel. 

The OS 35 leaked a large amount of oil despite efforts to block off the spill. 

Pumping out the heavy oil was the biggest concern of the rescue teams. According to official information, however, only a small amount of oil had recently flowed into the sea. 

“Work is ongoing, insofar as possible, to consolidate remaining fuel from various small tanks into the previously emptied diesel tank starboard and pump it out to the slops barge,” a government statement read. 

The water in the harbour bay of Gibraltar is now largely clean and the complete resumption of regular port operations and fishing is being considered. 

Some beaches in Gibraltar as well as in neighbouring Spain were polluted by the fuel spill, and shimmering smears of oil could be seen on the sea.