Civic Education Club within NCCE visits selected institutions  

By Mildred Siabi-Mensah  

Takoradi, Aug. 18, GNA- The Civic Education club members of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) have visited selected attraction points and institutions in the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan area.  

The Members, students from the Prestea Huni-valley area and numbered about 120 with 15 patrons and four staff of the Commission visited the Saint Sabastian Fort at Shama, the Western Naval Command, Western Regional Coordinating Council, Essipong Stadium, Bisa Abrewa Museum and the Takoradi Mall. 

The excursion formed part of the formation of the Civic Education Club in schools by the National Commission for Civic Education. 

The students’ first point of call was the Western Regional Coordinating Council where they were received by Ms Daphine Kermeh a Deputy Regional Coordinating Director, and Ms Maribel Okai, Director of Gender. 

Ms Maribel Okine, the Western Regional Director for the Department of Gender cautioned the students to stay away from activities that had the tendency to jeopardize their future. 

She expressed concern about the high rate of teenage pregnancy and the effects on the Region if measures were not taken to change the narrative. 

Mr Justice Ennin, the Regional Director of NCCE seized the opportunity to enumerate the importance of the formation of Civic Education Clubs in the schools by the National Commission for Civic Education.  

He said the formation of the Civic Education Club was amongst the flagship programmes of the Commission to increase civic responsiveness among the up-and-coming generation. 

At the Western Naval Command Base, the entourage had the privilege to be educated on various training procedures and names of fleeting vessels.  

The Club members witnessed a toss of history on how many English names were derived from the Akan origin at the Bisa Abrewa Museum. 

At St Sabastian fort the students were given a brief history behind the fort and its purpose during the slave trade.