Unemployed sex extortionist granted bail

Tokor (VR), Oct 2, GNA – Innocent Kudese, a 23-year old unemployed, has been charged for stealing, sexual extortion and defrauding by false pretences. by.

An Aflao Circuit Court granted Innocent bail in the sum of GH¢ 30,000.00 with two sureties, one to be justified.

The Court presided over by Mr Joseph Ofosu Behome admitted the accused, a resident of Yelibato near Agbozume, Ketu South to the bail after he pleaded not guilty to all three charges.

Chief Inspector Bob Wuda, prosecuting, told the court that the complainant, unemployed and a resident of Sogakope, South Tongu became friends with the accused by the username De Lord through Facebook in July this year and later accepted a love profession from him.

On August 11, the two agreed to meet at Aflao but the accused who identified himself to the complainant as a brother of De Lord (for the said De Lord did not show up), waited at Tokor Junction, took the complainant to a guesthouse and managed to convince her to have an affair with him claiming, as a Buddhist, he could make the relationship between the complainant and De Lord, last.

C/Inspr Wuda said while the complainant had gone to bath after the sexual intercourse and a video recording of her nudity taken using her own Samsung Galaxy A02 phone, the accused who had her phone’s pin code, transferred an amount of GH¢ 60.00 to his mobile money account number-0544756493 with account name Georgina Asare and ran away with the said phone.

“A few days later she received a phone call from De Lord threatening her to pay an amount of GH¢ 2,000.00 else her nude video would be published. The complainant became afraid and paid the GH¢ 2,000.00 to mobile money number-0243558530 which was given to her by De Lord with account name Daniel Kwaku Amoah.”

The prosecution said De Lord on August 29, travelled to Sogakope to collect a new iPhone 6s valued at GH¢1, 280.00 that a friend bought for the complainant the previous day for the relationship to work telling her that she would die or go mad if she continued to use the phone.

The prosecution said on September 7, the complainant went to make a report with the Sogakope Police when the accused demanded yet another GH¢500.00 from her, resulting in the preparation of an extract for her which she took to Ketu Police Division for assistance.

The accused was arrested on September 9 when he arranged to meet the complainant for the GH¢ 500.00 at Tokor Junction.

Police investigations revealed that it was the accused person who was acting as De Lord as the SIM card the said De Lord was using to call the complainant was retrieved from the accused as well as “the two phones he stole” from the complainant.

After the investigations, he was arraigned for the offences to which he pleaded not guilty.

The case resumes on October 15, 2021.