Chief urges government to rehabilitate cocoa roads at Tikobo No 2 

By P.K.Yankey  

Tikobo No 2 (W/R), June 15, GNA – The people of Tikobo No 2, in the Jomoro Municipality, has appealed to the government and Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) to rehabilitate cocoa roads in the area to give cocoa production a major boost in the area.  

Nana Arvo-Nwiah  V, Chief of  of the area noted with concern that bad and inaccessible roads in the farming community hampered the activities of cocoa farmers, thus negatively affected productivity. 

Nana Arvo-Nwiah V, speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview said: “Though about 70 per cent of cocoa produced in Jomoro comes from Tikobo No 2, not a single road has been awarded on contract for rehabilitation.” 

According to him, the rivers linking the community and cocoa farms, had no durable bridges, saying, “Unfortunately, cocoa farmers and their children are usually carried away during a heavy downpour.” 

He said the government and COCOBOD must, therefore, pay urgent attention to the deplorable roads in the area to help increase productivity in the area.