ICGC pastor urges Christians not to forsake medical attention

By Elizabeth Larkwor Baah, GNA 

Ada, June 03, GNA – Mr Elias Wilson Otisepeseku, a Pastor at the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Purity Temple in Akplabanya, Ada, has urged Christians against avoiding medical attention, as the Bible also recognises the importance of medicine. 

Mr Otisepeseku said in as much as prayer was important to build the believers faith in God, hoping that one would receive healing; the role of medical treatment, however, could not be underrated because both worked hand in hand. 

He told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview that pastors who undermined the work of healthcare providers must desist from such acts, arguing that the Scriptures bust be studied thoroughly and understood, to know what the Bible says about medical treatment. 

The Pastor, cited that the Apostle Paul’s advice to Timothy to seek treatment when he was sick, and even Jesus Christ recognised the need for doctors in Matthew 9:12, which said, “But when Jesus heard it, He replied, Those who are strong and well healthy have no need of a physician, but those who are weak and sick”. 

 He added that the story of the good Samaritan in the Bible must also remind Christians not to abandon hospitals because, after the Samaritan picked up the wounded man, he bandaged him, cleaned his wounds, then put him on the back of his donkey and took him to an innkeeper, whom he paid to look after him. 

He insisted that pastors must understand the scriptures before giving out instructions on a person’s health, especially when the condition required medical treatment. 

Mr Otisepeseku implored Christians to identify and dismiss false teachings concerning medical attention, but rather listen to the advice of their healthcare providers because in the hospitals, God also worked through men to render services to mankind.