The Maker’s House Chapel International holds end-of-year thanksgiving

By Paul Eduarko Richardson

Accra, Dec. 19, GNA – The Makers House Chapel International has held an End-of-year Thanksgiving service to celebrate God’s blessings and victories throughout the year.

The service was an occasion for the Church to reflect, cherish and thank God for His provision, protection and faithfulness.

Members of the congregation, with the majority clad in white attire, filled the church auditorium almost to capacity.

In a joyful, ecstatic mood, the members danced heartily and sang aloud to show their gratitude to God for all His goodness.

Dr Michael Boadi Nyamekye, General Overseer of the Church, delivering his exhortation, said the members were alive not because of their own might but by the grace and mercies of God.

Taking his message from the Book of Psalm Chapter 124: 1 – 8, he said: “If the Lord had not been on our side— let Israel say…”

He stressed that throughout the year, there were very dangerous situations that the people would have fallen into, but God prevented all of them from happening.

He said God continually delivered His people out of many troubles, but the people could not see them all with their physical eyes.

He said it was, therefore, important for the people to always show gratitude to God.

Ms Rukayatu Kabiru Celestine, a member, sharing her experience, said it was right and fitting for her to sing, dance and praise God because He had done so much for her.

“God has kept me. It is by His grace that I am still alive,” she said.

Mr Paul Chuks from Nigeria, said it was his first-time worshipping at The Maker’s House Chapel.

“The worship was awesome. And I loved the Pastor’s exhortation: ‘If the Lord had not been on our side— let Israel say.’ It was powerful,” Mr Chuks said.

He pointed out that, aside from the worship, he loved how the Church ushers warmly welcomed him.

He said he also loved the ambience, the interior decoration, and the lighting in the Church, adding that they all gave him “an uplifting experience”.