Ibrahim Mahama gives to flood victims in Oti Region

By Kingsley Mamore

Dambai (O/R) Oct 30, GNA – Mr Ibrahim Mahama, a business icon and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Engineers and Planners and Dzata Cement has donated relief items to people who have suffered adversely from the floods in the Oti Region.

Mr Ibrahim Mahama said that what has happened to the people of the Region was of great concern to the country and needed immediate intervention.

Mr Hafiz Mahama, aid to Mr Mahama, made the presentation on behalf of the business icon.

He said: “We have come in to assist our brothers and sisters, who have been severely affected by the floods and hope that our widow’s mite will help them get back on their feet.”

He said the donation represents a continuation of the CEOs corporate culture of giving back to society and in response to the clarion call by Oti MPs’ caucus.

The items included 8,000 bags of 5kg rice, 10,800 cans of mackerel,10,800 tin-tomatoes and 4,500 bottles of cooking oils and others.

Mr Hafiz Mahama, said, such disasters are things that nobody wishes to befall a nation but when they do occur, it is incumbent on all and sundry to shelve all other considerations and make sure the prime focus to alleviate the plight of the less fortunate.

Receiving the items on behalf of the affected victims in the Region, Mr Wisdom Gidisu, MP of Krachi East constituency expressed appreciation to Mr Mahama and promised to ensure that all the items reach their intended beneficiaries.

He added that this timely intervention is in line with the humanitarian mandate of Dzata Cement, which seeks to alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity.

Madam Helen Adwoa Ntoso, the MP of Krachi West constituency on behalf of the MPs caucus and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the region, thanked Mr Mahama for his show of concern for the region in general and the affected persons.

She said that by the gesture, Mr Mahama has shown that he is a true statesman, who knows when to rise above partisan considerations.

Nana Kwaku Beyonnor II, the Chief of Dambai, said Mr Mahama came to the constituency at a very appropriate time.

He welcomed the donation.

“What you are doing today is a clear manifestation that in times of disaster we must put away our political colours and come together as one people.”

On behalf of the residents, he thanked Mr Mahama for his kind gesture.