Chris Cares Foundation offers medical screening to 3,500 Agona-Nyakrom residents

By James Esuon

Agona Nyakrom (C/R), Oct 20, GNA – The Chris Cares Foundation in collaboration with the MAO Medical Center, Home Care & Outreach Services had offered free medical screening and treatment to 3,500 residents at Agona Nyakrom for easy access to health care delivery.

Some of the cases attended to were dental, Ear&Throat, diabetes, blood pressure (BP), eye care, hepatitis B, malaria, typhoid and general consultancy and screening for treatment.

The medical team from Agona Swedru Municipal Hospital, Trauma and Specialized hospital in Winneba and MAO Medical centre, collaborated to offer medical services to the residents.

Speaking to the media after the exercise, Mr Chris Jojo Athur, Executive Director of Chris Cares Foundation, said the decision to offer free medical services to the residents of Nyakrom was to help the people to be healthy to go about their businesses.

The exercise was endorsed by the Omanhene of Nyakrom Traditional Area, Okofo Katakyi Nyakoh Eku X and his chiefs.

The Executive Director said the Foundation had already enrolled many residents on NHIS to access free and affordable medical care.

The Foundation, he announced, had paid for drugs to enable those who needed treatment to get free medicines.

Mr Arthur said some people could not patronise the health facility at Agona Nyakrom due to financial problems, hence the exercise.

The public, he advised, must pay prioritised their health and quickly report any condition to medical doctors for treatment.

The Executive Director cautioned the people to desist from self-medication because it was a dangerous practice that could cause injury to their health.

Mr Arthur assured that the Foundation would continue to organise health outreach for the people in the Agona West Municipality to enable them to discharge their duties to enhance productivity.

Nana Ama Amoaniwaa II, Queen mother, on behalf of the beneficiaries, expressed appreciation to Chris Cares Foundation and the medical team for the exercise.

She said majority of mothers, kids and aged had benefitted immensely and urged the people to quickly report to a health facility if sick and desist from self-medication that could result in complications.