Fifty-eight PWDs receive support in Builsa North

By Godfred A. Polkuu 

Sandema (U/E), Sept 14, GNA – The Builsa North Municipal Assembly in the Upper East Region has extended support to 58 Persons with Disability (PWD), to enhance their learning skills and boost productivity in various aspects of the economy. 

The beneficiaries received cash, ruminants, deep freezers, sewing machines and laptop computers in line with Government and the Assembly’s Local Economic Development Agenda and its inclusion development policy. 

Of the 58 beneficiaries, 12 received school fees, two received a laptop each, 18 received cash support for crop farming and nine received 18 goats for livestock rearing. 

One person received a deep freezer, 14 persons received cash support for business, two received training fees while two other beneficiaries each received a sewing machine and cash for repairs and maintenance of their walking aids. 

All the items including the livestock amounted to GHȻ51,388.00. 

Madam Vida Akantagriwen Anaab, the Chief Executive for the area, at a programme in Sandema to present the items, said to boost the economy in the Municipality, it was critical to target all sectors for total development. 

“The vulnerable must specially be targeted in all our development Agenda as an Assembly,” the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) emphasized. 

Madam Anaab said “I have always deliberately and consciously targeted the vulnerable such as the aged, women and PWDs in all our engagements such as planning and budgeting, performance reviews and other developmental fora.” 

According to her, PWDs had over the years received various support packages under her watch.  

“Two months ago, the Assembly supported 39 of our hardworking and foresighted youth who have acquired various skills and knowledge in the areas of dressmaking and hairdressing to either start their own businesses or boost their businesses. 

“I am happy to announce that six of them were PWDs. Also, 75 entrepreneurs were trained on business management and entrepreneurial modules under the Ghana Skills and Jobs Project, and a good number of them were PWDs,” Madam Anaab recalled. 

The MCE said the Assembly under the Disability Common fund, disbursed an amount of GHȻ38,528.00 in various sectors of the economy in the Municipality this year, and indicated that the total amount disbursed within the year so far amounted to GHȻ89,908.00. 

She said the Assembly and the Fund Management Committee would frequently monitor to ensure that the funds, livestock and equipment were used for the intended purpose. 

“The Assembly will also ensure that the needed technical support such as veterinary services and business coaching and counselling are provided by the concerned department,” Madam Anaab said. 

She advised the beneficiaries to make good use of the support they received, and encouraged those who were yet to receive their share to be patient for their turn. 

Ms Juliet Awonlie Akanpigbiam, a Microsoft word excel student at the Foundation for Integrated and Strategic Development (FISTRAD) Vocational Centre who received a laptop computer, told the Ghana News Agency that she faced challenges with her course without a computer. 

“Without a laptop, after school, I could not practise what was taught on my own at home. This computer has come at the right time, and I wish to thank the MCE and management of the Assembly for thinking of us,” she said.