Somali army kills over 20 al-Shabab militants in southern Somalia

MOGADISHU, Sept. 11, (Xinhua/GNA) – Somali National Army’s elite force, Gorgor, killed more than 20 al-Shabab militants and wounded others early Sunday, in heavy fighting between the army and militants at a military base in Awdheegle district in southern Somalia, officials said.

Abdirahman Yusuf Al-adala, deputy minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, told the national news agency that the brave troops responded swiftly and foiled the attack by al-Shabab fighters at the military base. “Our SNA forces took swift action against al-Shabab terrorists, who attempted to attack an army base in Awdheegle district in Lower Shabelle region on Sunday morning.

The terrorists left over 20 dead bodies at the scene. Our forces also recovered weapons during the operation,” Al-adala said. He did not confirm if there were casualties on the SNA side during the fierce fighting.

Al-Shabab militants claimed responsibility for the latest attack, saying its fighters killed 59 soldiers including commanders and ran over the base.

The al-Qaida allied terror group normally inflates casualty figures during their battle with the government’s security forces.

The attacks continue across Somalia despite the security forces backed by allied forces having stepped up operations against the militants in the country.