Arab League welcomes African Union’s membership in G20

CAIRO, Sept. 10 (Xinhua/GNA) – The Arab League (AL) on Sunday, welcomed the admission of the African Union (AU) as a permanent member to the Group of 20 (G20), expressing hope that the pan-Arab organization would enjoy the same status.

AL Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, welcomed in a statement the G20 leaders’ decision on AU’s entry into the group.

On Saturday, G20 members agreed to grant permanent membership to the AU, in an effort to make the group more representative.

The agreement was reached at the inaugural session of the two-day G20 summit, held in New Delhi, India, during the weekend.

Aboul-Gheit hailed the decision as a “positive step” that will lead to mutual gains for both sides, and contribute to strengthening African countries’ role in global economic development. He stressed that this step will enhance Africa’s ability to contribute to solving pivotal global issues, such as climate change, energy security, food security, and other issues.

The AL chief also expressed hope, that the Arab League’s request to join the G20 would be approved.

With AU’s entry, G20 broadens cooperation, development opportunities in Global South,