European Commission and Spanish EU Presidency “Working for Bulgaria’s and Romania’s Schengen Entry by Year’s End”

Strasbourg, July 12 (BTA/GNA) – The European Commission and the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union are working for Bulgaria’s and Romania’s accession to the Schengen border-free area by the end of the year, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevicius told the European Parliament on Tuesday evening.

Sinkevicius expressed his satisfaction that Spain views the matter as one of the priorities of the EU Council Presidency. He noted that the European Commission has stated repeatedly since 2011 that Bulgaria and Romania meet the Schengen membership requirements. Border controls between Bulgaria and Romania, on the one hand, and the Schengen area, on the other hand, cause unnecessary encumbrances, he argued, adding that completing the two countries’ accession to Schengen is a matter of urgency.

According to the Commissioner, migratory pressure along the Western Balkan route decreased by 25% in the first few months of 2023. He sees tangible progress in a project which is being implemented together with the European Commission to enhance the security of the borders of Bulgaria and Romania. The Commission is working with the Spanish EU Presidency to make a decision to admit the two countries to Schengen as soon as possible, before the year’s end, he said.

The European Parliament is expected on Wednesday to issue yet another declaration in favour of enlarging the Schengen area with Bulgaria and Romania. On Tuesday evening, rapporteur Gheorghe Falca (European People’s Party, Romania) said the draft declaration has been approved unanimously by the Petitions Committee. Describing the planned declaration as bold, Falca said the European Parliament will propose compensating the two countries for damage they have sustained over the last decade.

The rights of Bulgaria and Romania have been abused as they have been kept at the Schengen doorstep for so many years, Falca argued. He urged the European Commission to use all available leverage to ensure free movement of Bulgarians and Romanians in the EU. A vote is expected by the end of this year, he added.

Ilhan Kyuchyuk (Renew Europe, Bulgaria) thanked the European Commission and the European Parliament for the support. This is a debate on the core nature of the EU, Kyuchyuk said, calling on the EU Council to show political maturity.

Tsvetelina Penkova (Socialists and Democrats, Bulgaria) commented that Schengen enlargement has been stalled for domestic policy reasons. This has led to a neglect for European security, economic benefits and the possibility for all European citizens to move freely in the EU, Penkova said. She expressed her conviction that the Spanish EU Presidency will do everything to end the discriminatory treatment of Bulgaria and Romania.

Andrey Kovatchev (European People’s Party, Bulgaria) said there can always be a hypocritical excuse for a failure to adopt an expected decision. Elections are not a valid excuse anywhere, he insisted.