Nkwanta South Sanitation Unit to start arresting stray animals

By Patience Tawiah

Nkwanta (O/R), July 3, GNA – The Environmental Health and sanitation Unit of the Nkwanta South Municipal Assembly is expected to embark on an exercise to arrest domestic stray animals.

Madam Cynthia Sekyere, the Municipal Sanitation Officer addressing Ghana News Agency on the upcoming exercise by the unit said it had become necessary for the operation after receiving numerous complaints from the communities about the nuisance of stray animals.

She said the exercise would be undertaken by a taskforce comprising Assembly members and committees within the Municipality for a smooth exercise.

She said that following the persistent public complaints from residents on the destruction and nuisance caused by stray animals on the various streets, defaecating in public spaces.

She added that it was to ensure that movement of domestic animals such as goats, sheep, and dogs was well restricted by owners to prevent outbreak of zoonotic diseases, stop destruction to farms, gardens, goods and stop accidents on the various roads caused by these animals.

Madam Sekyere stated that a grace period had been given and all the announcements were made through the media platforms available therefore failure on the side of owners would attract a fine.

She urged residents who own ruminants to comply with this directive before this exercise begins within the month.