South Korea takes North to court over demolition of liaison office

Seoul, June 14, (dpa/GNA) – South Korea filed a legal action against North Korea before a Seoul district court on Wednesday, for blowing up a joint liaison office close to their mutual border three years ago.

“Such violent action of North Korea not only is illegal, but also breaches agreements between the South and the North,” the Defence Ministry said. It added that the demolition, fundamentally undermined the basis of mutual respect and trust between the two Koreas.

The action for damages amounting to 44.7 billion won ($35 million), was the first such action by South Korea against the North, the national news agency Yonhap reported.

The liaison office, which had been funded by South Korea, was at Kaesong on the North Korean side of the border. The action also refers to damage caused to another building in the vicinity, that served as a base for South Korean liaison officials.

The court action is seen as symbolic, as Seoul lacks the means to enforce any ruling. Tensions between the two countries have risen over recent months, with all contacts broken off.

“June 16 is the third anniversary since North Korea destroyed the inner Korean liaison office,” said the ministry.

Pyongyang blew up the office in response to a propaganda campaign by South Korean activists, in which flyers condemning North Korea’s autocratic leadership were sent across the border using balloons.

The office, set up after the first summit between former South Korean President Moon Jae In and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un in 2018, was once seen as a symbol of peace.