Nigerian Trader Jailed for six years over human trafficking 

By Joyce Danso 

Accra, April 12, GNA- A Nigerian trader who trafficked two Nigerian women to Ghana and compelled them to engage in prostitution has been sentenced to six years imprisonment by an Accra Circuit Court. 

Favour Chikadia, charged with two counts of human trafficking, pleaded not guilty. 

The court, however, found Chikadia guilty at the end of the trial and convicted her accordingly. 

Handing the sentence, the court presided over by Mrs Christina Cann said it took into consideration the five months and 13 days spent by Chikadia in lawful custody and her inability to meet her bail conditions as well as her plea for leniency. 

According to the court, the convict had not exhibited remorse for her activities. 

It further ordered the convict to be deported after serving her sentence. 

The facts as narrated by Superintendent of Police Agnes Boafo are that the complainants, whose names had been withheld, were unemployed Nigerians. 

The prosecution said during the month of June 2022, Chikadia contacted the complainants, who were then in Nigeria, through an agent. 

It said Chikadia, through the agent, promised to find jobs with attractive salaries in Ghana for the complainants.  

The prosecution said the complainants became convinced and agreed to come to Ghana. 

On their arrival, the complainants were housed in a hostel at Kotobabi, where they were “hoping to begin the work promised them.” 

However, the prosecution said Chikadia started engaging them in prostitution. 

“As they could no longer endure the prostitution, the complainants escaped and reported the case at the Accra Regional Police headquarters for investigations-.”