Britain to ‘consider’ backing tribunal to look into war crimes

London, Mar. 21, (PA Media/dpa/GNA) – Britain will “consider” backing a special tribunal to look into potential war crimes in Ukraine, after the country’s president Volodymyr Zelensky urged nations to support the idea.

It comes after the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s arrest, accusing him of bearing personal responsibility for the abduction of children from Ukraine.

Speaking during a conference at Lancaster House in central London, where justice ministers from around the world were gathered, Karim Khan KC demanded Russia “return” children to Ukraine as alleged war crimes were detailed.

Concluding the meeting, Zelensky, appearing in a pre-recorded message, urged delegates to back a tribunal to look into Russian “aggression”.

He went on: “This will significantly stress international justice.”

Asked at a press conference about the prospect of a tribunal, Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab said: “We’ll keep working together to consider it.”

“I think right now the priority of this conference has been to try and give the ICC adequate support.”

“Discussions are still in a relatively preliminary stage, we understand the importance of it to the people of Ukraine and President Zelensky.

“We want to try and support them as best we can.”

It came after details of the ICC’s warrant for Putin were laid out.

Khan said: “The allegations are serious indeed, Ukraine is a crime scene, many types of allegations have been received.

“To anybody who says ‘what seems to have taken place is humanitarian evacuations’, the evidence tells a different story.

“The judges have said so by saying repatriate the children, return the children, reunite the children.

“If there is any semblance of truth to the utterances that this is for the sake of the children, instead of giving them a foreign passport, return them to the country of their nationality.”

More than 40 nations were represented at the meeting hosted Raab and Dutch justice minister Dilan Yesilgoz-Zegerius.

Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Andriy Kostin, spoke of “ruthless” attacks and “atrocities” by Russian soldiers against civilians and territories.

He went on: “Russia acts with a clear plan to destroy Ukraine and Ukrainian identity.

“The deportation and transportation of thousands of Ukrainian children, including from orphanages and care homes to Russia.

“Simplifying their illegal adoption process and confirming their citizenship of an aggressive state is very clear evidence of this plan, this is done to cut ties with Ukraine and alter their Ukrainian heritage.

“My office has already launched investigations into over 72,000 incidents of war crimes.

“Isolated and sporadic attacks, we see how Russian foot soldiers are meticulously implementing unlawful orders given by the Kremlin.”

The country’s justice minister, Denys Maliuska, said: “There are many people who really have suffered significant damages, losing their husbands and wives, homes and jobs.

“Many families have lost their infrastructures, the whole country was semi-destroyed by Russian soldiers.

“Those damages should be compensated.”

Ahead of the conference, the British government has offered new funding and support to provide psychological help for victims and witnesses of crimes, fund more experts to work for the ICC and enhance investigators’ capacity to gather evidence.

Last year Britain offered a package of support to the ICC, which included an additional 1 million pounds ($1.2 million) in funding and dedicated police assistance. The Ministry of Justice said it had also been involved in training Ukrainian judges set to conduct war crimes trials and has offered the support of British legal experts.

The ICC’s arrest warrant for Putin was the first issued against a leader of one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

The court also issued a warrant for the arrest of Maria Lvova-Belova, Russia’s commissioner for children’s rights.

The Kremlin dismissed the move against Putin as “outrageous and unacceptable”.