CAGD launches staff welfare improvement schemes  

By Janet Owusuwaa Ansah  

Kwahu Nkwatia (E/R), March 13, GNA – Mr Kwasi Kwaning-Bosompem Controller and Accountants General has launched several welfare improvement schemes to encourage hard work and improve staff well-being to increase productivity.  

The schemes included a GH¢200,000.00 Staff Welfare Health Scheme Fund to provide access to quality healthcare for staff, an operational manual, and a bank account management manual unveiled at the end of this year’s Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) conference in Nkwatia in the Eastern Region.  

Mr Kwaning-Bosompem noted that management had always prioritized staff welfare and the scheme would ensure a healthy and motivated staff.  

“The scheme will encourage staff to focus on good health behaviours and will help the staff to get the care they need, stimulate work motivation, and promote productivity,” he said.  

He explained that the Bank Account Management operational manual covered entities and the government implemented its policies and programmes through covered entities led by principal spending officers in charge of managing public funds.  

Mr Kwaning-Bosompem explained that the Bank Account Management Operational Manual for covered entities was created to serve as a reference guide for public officers on bank account management, saying, the manual had become more relevant as the scope of public financial management reporting has expanded to include all sources of public funds.  

He said the Operational Manual was created to cover all operational areas of the department, adding, “It is inspired by the organogram of CAGD and key activities for the various operational areas are structured according to the organogram.”  

 Mr Osafo Marfo, Special Presidential Advisor in a speech read on his behalf by, Dr Ibrahim Mohammed Awal, Tourism Minister, said government interventions, including the public financial management reform project, were important in delivering prudent public financial management.  

He added that this would meet the government’s fiscal objectives and achieve its debt strategy to provide Ghanaians with solid, progressive fiscal policies that will strengthen the economy and provide citizens with better opportunities.  

He praised the CAGD for spearheading the implementation of key government interventions such as the PFMRP, GIFMIS, E-travel card, treasury single account, and many others aimed at combating financial malpractice.  

Dr Awal noted that manuals would help the CAGD, and stakeholders streamline, fine-tune, and simplify their operations, saying, “Let us strive to achieve excellence in Ghana’s financial accounting standards in the public sector.”