Islamic cleric calls for peace and inter-religious tolerance  

By Nelson Ayivor  

Ativuta (V/R), Mach 13, GNA – Sheikh Ahmed Zormelo, Director of the Kekeli Muslim Community, an Islamic humanitarian organisation has called on believers of all faiths, to respect each other’s religious beliefs to foster and consolidate the peace and stability of the country needed for development.  

Sheikh Zormelo made the call at the commissioning of the Adzagey Central Mosque at Ativuta near Agbozume in the Ketu North Municipality of the Volta Region.  

According to him, religious tolerance in Islam is expressed by the acceptance of religious pluralism, which gave legitimacy to the existence of religious differences in society.  

“Islam rejects compelling anyone to adopt or leave a religion; it explicitly allows non-muslims to express, practice and teach their religious beliefs – it must therefore be something you desire not what is forced upon you. If you force a religion on someone, then, it becomes hollow and without true conviction. Islam stresses a person finding the truth through their path- if a religion is true, it will appeal to the heart,” he said.  

The cleric advised believers of all faiths especially the youth to adhere strictly to the tenets of their religion and to shun societal vices such as alcoholism, promiscuous sexual behaviours, and unruly lifestyles, which he observed were detrimental to their well-being and societal cohesion.  

Sarik Ishao Turawa, President of the Volta Regional Council of Zongo Chiefs, said Islam was established based on prayer and that there could be no prayer without a Mosque.  

He commended Alhaji Yacuub Adzagey, the philanthropist behind the building of the Mosque for his benevolence and advised other Muslims, who were well placed to emulate such examples.  

Sarik Turawa advised all Muslims to demonstrate the teachings of Islam in their daily lives and to be law-abiding citizens, who contribute meaningfully to nation-building.  

He said the Islamic community in the Volta region was committed to partnering with the government and the security agencies to identify unscrupulous characters, who sometimes infiltrate the Islamic community and engaged in various crimes to tarnish the image of the religion, making it look as though Islam was associated with crime and violence.  

Alhaji Adzagey the philanthropist and businessman said he took the initiative as a way of thanking Allah for His blessings upon his life over the 40 years of his practice as a Moslem and to encourage others to become Muslims.  

According to him, Islam was a beautiful religion that simplified life, when the believer adhered to the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad as enshrined in the Holy Quran.  

Alhaji Yacuub called on Muslims and for that matter believers of all faiths, to endeavour to be each other’s keepers and always lend a helping hand to the less privileged in society as that was the basis of the Abrahamic faiths.  

“All that we have and boast of are bestowed upon us by Allah- we must endeavour to support the needy in society as are the teachings of our faith,” he said.  

The colourful ceremony was on the theme: “Inter-religious tolerance; The benefits to the nation.”