Builsa North Assembly disburses GHȻ28,236.00 to PWDs  

By Godfred A. Polkuu 

Bolgatanga, March 13, GNA – The Builsa North Municipal Assembly in the Upper East Region has disbursed GHȻ28,236.00 to Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) from the area, who are in educational institutions, to assist in their upkeep. 

Out of the total amount, the Assembly disbursed an amount of GHȻ14,936.00 to PWDs in tertiary institutions including Universities in the country, while GHȻ13,300.00 went to PWDs at the Bolgatanga Rehabilitation Centre. 

Apart from a cheque for GHȻ12,600.00 that was presented to management of the Centre for the upkeep of the PWDs, all seven PWDs from the area each received GHȻ100.00 to assist them buy some basic items. 

Madam Vida Akantagriwen Anaab, the Builsa North Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), who presented the cheque and cash to Management and trainees at the Centre, said the Assembly was concerned about the welfare of PWDs in the Municipality. 

She said PWDs should not be relegated to the background but should be supported to achieve their God-given talents and not be liabilities to their families and society. 

The MCE, in the company of Mr Godfred Bamba, the Municipal Coordinating Director, after the presentation, toured the various classrooms and encouraged the trainees not to despair, but take their training seriously and forge to become responsible citizens in the country. 

“Disability is not inability, take your training here seriously so that your stay here will not be in vain,” Madam Anaab told the trainees. 

The Manager of the Centre, Mr Ben Arabogo Azumah, who received the cheque, thanked the MCE and the Assembly on behalf of Reverend Dr Comfort Asare, the National Director of the Department of Social Welfare, management, and staff of the Centre for the support. 

“We really appreciate the support and your visit to this Centre. In fact the Builsa North Municipal Assembly is one of the Assemblies we rely on for the survival of this Centre. The Assembly has never disappointed us,” Mr Azumah said. 

He said management of the Centre would ensure that the support would be put to clever use to benefit the trainees and appealed to other Assemblies in the Region to emulate the gesture by the Builsa North Municipal Assembly. 

The Manager said the Centre was closed about 10 years ago for lack of feeding grants and learning materials but started operations in August 2011 with six courses including fashion design, rural craft, leather work, smock weaving, hairdressing, Information and Communications Technology (ICT). 

He said the Centre had a total trainee population of 38, and used the opportunity to appeal to stakeholders for support to achieve its mandate of training PWDs to boost the productive sector.