Oti Fire Command school institutions on fire safety 

By Kingsley Mamore

Dambai (O/R), Feb. 20, GNA – Mr Prince Billy Anaglate, the Oti Regional Fire Commander of the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS), has organised a fire safety training for heads of departments in the Oti Region. 

Mr Anaglate said that the training was important to the various institutions about prevention and fighting of fires to forestall future challenges of combating fire outbreaks at the regional level. 

The participants were taken through practical training on how to detect, prevent and put out fires with extinguishers and other fire equipment. 

Mr Anaglate urged management of departments to procure fire extinguishers and to augment those in stock to facilitate firefighting in offices.  

He advised them to be vigilant in their performance of their duties while they watch out for possible fire outbreaks and seek prompt support to combat such fires. 

Mr Joshua Gmayenaam Makubu, the Oti Regional Minister told the Ghana News Agency (GNA), that he hoped that knowledge acquired would go a long way to ignite fire fighting spirit of departmental heads and workers in general on the use of firefighting equipment, should it occur. 

He expressed gratitude to the GNFS for the enlightenment and pledged his outfit would endeavour to comply with directives to ensure the safety of various institutions against fires.