Highway robberies: RISE-Ghana commends North East Regional Security Council for beefing-up security  

By Anthony Adongo Apubeo 

Bolgatanga, Jan 13, GNA – The Rural Initiatives for Self-Empowerment Ghana (RISE-Ghana), an advocacy Non-Governmental Organisation, has commended the North East Regional Security Council for beefing up security on the Bolgatanga-Tamale highway following recent robbery incidents there. 

According to RISE-Ghana, the decision was proactive and would help curb further attacks on travellers and urged the Upper East Regional Security Council to emulate the example to strengthen security at Bawku, its environs and other conflict prone areas. 

In a statement, signed and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Bolgatanga by RISE-Ghana, signed by  Mr Ahmed Awal Kariama, the Executive Director, RISE-Ghana, said enhanced security in the region would significantly curb the protracted chieftaincy conflict in Bawku. 

“These incidents like many other cases of armed robbery must serve as a wake-up call to all citizens and duty bearers to reflect on and find urgent steps to improve police citizen coverage not only on that stretch but more importantly on conflict prone areas in the Bawku Municipality,” it said. 

The statement urged the Upper East Regional Coordinating council to, as a matter of urgency, pay attention to the Bolgatanga-Bawku-Polmakom stretch, which has recorded most of the incidents.  

“Some of the attacked vehicles had police escorts in them and yet it did not stop these armed robbers and other criminal elements from putting the lives of our security personnel at risk and exposing them to unnecessary danger” 

“Another stretch worth paying attention to is the Eastern corridor stretch running from Nakpanduri through Garu to Cinkasse in Togo. In less than a week, an attempt was made on a public transport along that stretch. But for the fact that the assailants’ weapon failed, Ghana would have been counting more needless loss of lives,” the statement indicated. 

“It will be recalled that it was on this stretch that two young men from Gambaga in the North East Region were gruesomely murdered in December 2021,” it added.  

It said Ghana as a signatory to several United Nations Conventions on protecting and promoting human right to life, property and security, has a legal and moral obligation to protect, promote and fulfill the fundamental human rights of all its citizens, including the right to survival and right to life. 

“Providing security escorts on Bawku and its environs especially along the aforementioned highways will not only reduce incidence of gun violence but will safeguard our borders from potential terrorist attacks and reduce proliferation of small arms and light weapons.” 

“RISE-Ghana passionately appeals to the Ministry of Interior, Upper East REGSEC and the various DISECs within the Bawku enclave to immediately provide escort for all citizens entering and leaving the Bawku area to prevent the conflict from needlessly dragging on for another year,” it stressed.