“Ghana to the World” Festival will consolidate tourism growth 

By Patrick Ofoe Nudzi 

Accra, Sept. 15, GNA – Madam Janet Edna Nyame, Executive Director, National Commission on Culture, has launched a “Ghana to the World Festival” to market Ghana’s diverse culture and consolidate its tourism growth. 

She said the country’s culture and tradition had gained the attention of the global community, therefore, the exhibitions and performances at the Festival would create a huge tourism market as the Country targeted a revenue generation of $4 billion by 2024 through tourism. 

Delivering a keynote address at the media launch of the Festival to be held in the United Kingdom in the summer of 2023, Madam Nyame said Ghana had been widely referred to as a “cultural conscious nation” with all tribes projected and said it was time to showcase that diversity. 

She said Ghana’s tourism potential was largely embedded in her music, movies, dances, foods, arts and crafts and language; thus, urging industry players to harness them as drivers for economic growth. 

“Ghana as a country has to position herself to tap into this huge economic potential and market share and ‘Ghana to the World Festival’ is a strategic event to help realise the such objective,” she said. 

Madam Nyame called for the preservation of cultural property for the younger and unborn generations since its importance to nation-building was paramount. 

The Festival, designed to grow into an international event to promote Ghana’s heritage is expected to attract thousands of people from around the world. 

The three-day festival will be celebrated under the theme: “Telling the real Ghanaian story our own way.” 

Cultural dance performances will characterise the festival; musical performances; wear Ghana fashion exhibition; see Ghana, tour Ghana documentary showcase and royal Ghana durbar.  

Others will be Ghana to the world business linkup; Ghana to the world awards; contemporary art exhibition; after party and eat Ghana, drink Ghana and taste Ghana. 

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, Mr Selorm Martinson, Country Director, Ghana to the World Festival Secretariat said: “We hope to put Ghana onto the top 50 tourist destinations list in the world. 

He said it would provide not only an opportunity for people in the diaspora to visit Ghana but attract investors to the country.