Paramount Chief calls on government to complete projects in the area  

By Mildred Siabi-Mensah 

Axim (WR), Sept. 12, GNA – Awulae Attibrukusu III, the Paramount Chief of Lower Axim in the Nzema East Municipality of the Western Region, has called on the government to complete the many projects “hanging” in the area.  

He mentioned the Sea Defence Wall, the Landing Beach and the Multi-purpose Sports Complex, which were at different stages of work and said when completed they would provide jobs for the unemployed youth in the area.   

The Paramount Chief made the call at the Climax of the 2022 Axim Kundum Festival on the theme: “Promoting Quality Health Delivery, The Role of Traditional Leadership”.  

Awulae Attibrukusu III explained that the month-long Kundum Festival was in line with the customs and traditions to promote social and economic goals and achieve substantial development and transmission of traditions to the youth.   

He said the focus of the year under review was to provide a new surgical unit for the Axim hospital, a request which had taken some five years to be realised.  

“I am very elated today to see this dream come true with the help of benevolent institutions in and around the traditional area.”  

The Western Regional Minister, Mr Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah, said Awulae Attibrukusu and the people of Axim had inspired the government to strive hard to ensure that it promoted quality Healthcare delivery in the country by achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.   

He added the construction of the theatre block was in line with the government’s vision of ensuring the development of health infrastructure across the country.  

The Regional Minister said in the Western Region, Elubo, Tarkwa-Nsuaem, Bogoso, Bokro and Mpohor were benefitting from such interventions.    

Mr Darko-Mensah encouraged the youth in the area to take advantage of the Youstart initiative to better their lives.  

The Chief Executive Officer at Adamus Resources, Ms Angela List, mentioned that the theme was a step in the right direction as the institution of Chieftaincy and issues related to tradition played a critical role in promoting development in every community.  

She noted that health care delivery was not a task for any individual or institution but rather a collective role by all and sundry and must be prioritized.   

Ms Angela List urged the people to keep the community clean to avoid preventable diseases and reduce the spread of communicable diseases.  

The CEO added that quality was the standard Ghanaians should aspire to have when it came to having affordable, accessible and reliable health care delivery as health was wealth.  

Ms List said access to quality health care must be available to people across the length and breadth of the country and not be limited to only those in the cities.  

The world, she noted, had become a Global village and as such Traditional Authorities must take advantage to solicit funds for developmental projects in their communities.