Swedish trade surplus diminishes from past year due to rising imports

Stockholm, July 27, (dpa-AFX/GNA) - Sweden’s foreign trade surplus decreased notably in June from a year ago, as imports grew more rapidly than exports, preliminary figures from Statistics Sweden showed on Wednesday.

The trade surplus shrank to 3.1 billion krona ($301.9 million) in June, from 8.8 billion krona in the corresponding month last year. In May, there was a deficit of 3.7 billion krona.

Both exports and imports climbed, by 26.0% and 32.0%, respectively, in June from last year.

The non-EU trade balance showed a surplus of 21.8 billion krona in June, while the trade balance with the EU revealed a deficit of 18.7 billion krona.

On a seasonally adjusted basis, the trade deficit was 3.9 billion krona in June, compared to a deficit of 3.7 billion krona in May.