Ketu South gets presiding member at seventh attempt

Tokor (V/R) April 15, GNA – The Ketu South Municipal Assembly has finally succeeded in electing a presiding member (PM) after six consecutive attempts.

Mr Moses Xorse Kordorwu was elected after the former PM, Mr Samuel Doe Haligah (Petit), a government appointee, had his appointment revoked on October 7, 2021.

The polls, officiated by Mr Kofi Sakyi Boampong, the Municipal Electoral Officer, saw Mr Xorse Kordorwu, who went unopposed, polling 49 votes, more than the two-thirds of votes of the 58 membership of the Assembly required to affirm his nomination.

After being sworn in by Mr Joseph Ofosu Behome, the Denu Circuit Court Judge, the PM expressed gratitude for his victory and pledged to work in unity with all Assembly members to achieve the desired goals assuring; “Your desires and expectations will be met during my tenure.”

Mr Kordorwu said he intended to work to recover the lost period and called for the collaboration of all members reminding them that the first quarter of 2022 was already gone.

“No parochial interest will be entertained. We’ll work hand in hand to ensure massive development of Ketu South,” he said

Some Assembly members who spoke to the Ghana News Agency were satisfied with the outcome of the exercise.

“We’re happy for today’s election. Hon Kordorwu had on some occasions in the past served as Member Presiding. The absence of a PM since October last year has affected us a lot,” Ms Faustina Elikplim Korwu, the Assembly member for Avoeme West, said.