It is our duty to develop our country – Agyei Anhwere

Nkawie (Ash), March 09, GNA – Mr Emmanuel Agyei Anhwere, Member of Parliament for Atwima-Nwabiagya South has stressed the need for all Ghanaians to come together and work towards the development and progress of the nation.

He said it was the civic responsibility for every Ghanaian to work towards the building of the country as was done by the forefathers of the country.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency at Nkawie, he said it was time for Ghanaians to rededicate themselves and show greater commitment, dedication, hard work, patriotism and honesty, which were badly needed to rebuild the nation.

Mr Agyei Anhwere said Ghana was endowed with many natural resources and human talents capable of transforming these resources to improve the livelihoods of the people.

What was needed was for the people to eschew laziness, backbiting, pull him down attitude, selfishness and corruption so as to be able to harness these resources to position the country onto the path of growth and development.

Mr Agyei Anhwere stressed the need for the present generation to arise to their civic responsibilities by honouring their tax obligations and showing greater care to national property while taking part in national discourse in a dispassionate manner.

He called for the equitable distribution of national resources and opportunities, proper management of resources, diligent and efficient execution of tasks as well as proper care and maintenance of public property at all times.

The Parliamentarian said the present generation could only build on the great foundation laid by the forefathers if individuals gave their maximum efforts to consolidate the gains for an enduring legacy for the next generation.