Fridays for Future call for global climate strike on September 24

Berlin, Sept. 13, (dpa/GNA) – The Fridays for Future environmental youth movement is calling for a global climate strike on September 24.

Activists want to mobilize people across the world in a bid to put pressure on political decision-makers, Fridays for Future Germany told dpa on Monday before the official strike announcement.

Activists wanted to send a clear signal shortly before the upcoming German federal election [on September 26] and demand “immediate systemic change,” German activist Carla Reemtsma told dpa.

She charged that politicians in the last few months had instrumentalized climate change as a campaign issue without advocating measures that were at all adequate to combat it.

Without massive pressure from society, Germany’s next government would not be able to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees compared to the pre-industrial age, Reemtsma explained further.

The movement expects more than 1,100 strikes in 78 countries on September 24. A total of 277 events and rallies have been registered throughout Germany to date.

Some 200 civil society organizations, including churches and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as 4,000 companies have also joined the global strike call, the organization said.

The global movement Fridays for Future has conducted Friday demonstrations for the past three years, pushing for more effective climate protection and compliance with the Paris climate agreement, which the international community inked in 2015 in order to curb progressive global warming.

Fridays for Future’s most recent global climate strike took place on March 19 of this year.