Supreme Court strikes out Petitioner’s stay of proceedings request

Accra, Jan. 28, GNA – The Supreme Court has struck out, “as withdrawn”, a stay of proceedings filed by lawyers of the Petitioner in the 2020 Election Petition case.

The Court also struck out abridgment of time filed by the Electoral Commission to hear the dismissed application for interrogatories.

At the hearing on Thursday , Tsatsu Tsikata, Counsel for the Petitioner, and Mr Justine Amenuvor, Counsel for the EC, prayed the Court to withdraw their respective applications.

Meanwhile, the Court has heard the motion of Mr Tsikata, seeking leave to file supplements to the statement of case of the 2020 Election Petition and replace or amend paragraph 28 of the statement of case.

The Court, is expected to rule on the motion for leave to file supplements in the statement of case and amendment of paragraph 28 in the statement of case.