Estonian minister quits after using government car for school commute

Tallinn, Nov. 21, (dpa/GNA) – Estonian Education Minister Mailis Reps handed in her resignation on Friday after reports that she was using a state-provided car and driver to get her children to school.

According to the Ohtuleht tabloid, a driver from the ministry had used a government car to drop off and pick up Reps’ children from school multiple times.

“I have come under strong pressure to reconcile the role of minister and mother. I admit I made mistakes and apologize for them,” the 45-year-old wrote on Facebook.

After the incident was publicized, Reps admitted to recently using the government car for private purposes multiple times.

But despite the revelations and the resulting pressure, the mother of six had initially wanted to remain in the minister position.

Prime Minister Juri Ratas, who had defended Reps, said he accepted the resignation of his fellow party member with regret.

She is the third government member to leave office this month.