NCCE takes governance to Bibiani Zongo community

Bibiani Zongo (WNR), Sept 01, GNA – A day’s sensitization workshop on Social Auditing has been organized by the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) for the people of Bibiani Zongo.

According to Madam Martha Nneka Oparah, Bibiani- Antwiaso- Bekwai Municipal Director of the NCCE, the programme was aimed at creating a common platform for duty bearers or public officers to help the citizen to identify their community needs and be part of the solutions.

She explained that Social Auditing formed part of the Anti-Corruption, Rule of Law and Accountability Programme (ARAP), which was also a way of equipping and empowering the community members to make inputs and seek redress from appropriate authorities on all issues that concern their individual and collective well- being.

Resource persons from various public institutions, like CHRAJ, Judicial Service, the Police, Municipal Assembly (Planning), Environmental Health, took turns to brief the gathering on their mode of operations and answered questions from the floor.

At the end of the forum, the Zongo Community identified, poor road network, youth unemployment lack of public toilet facilities and deadly effects of mining activities in the area, as their major challenges.

The well organized and attended function, was chaired by Nana Manasara, Chief of Bibiani Zongo.