COVID-19: Escof Zinnia Foundation distributes PPE to five Basic Schools

Awutu (C/R), June 30, GNA – To help government in stemming the spread of COVID-19 in schools, the Escof Zinnia Foundation, a not-for-profit charitable nongovernmental organisation on Monday, distributed personal protective equipment (PPE) to five basic schools in the Central Region.

The items included veronica buckets, tissue rolls, liquid soaps, face masks, and hand sanitizers.

The beneficiary schools were Kasoa Papase St. Peter’s Catholic Basic School, Awutu-Adawukwao Catholic Basic School, Akufful Krodua Catholic JHS, Ayiresu D/A Basic School and Osae Krodua Basic School.

The gesture followed the reopening of basic schools for final year students to prepare for their final examination.

The Foundation also educated the students on how to wash their hands under running water, and observe the other COVID-19 safety protocols.

Mrs Esther Donkoh, the Founder of the Foundation, said her office which focused on transforming lives through education and health, saw students in basic schools to be vulnerable to the respiratory disease.

“We know the government will be supporting the schools, but we were also concerned about the dates some schools will receive their items, especially those in the remotest areas and that is why we supported them on the first day of resumption,” she added.

The schools, she said, had impressive academic performance and needed to be able to focus on studies without being destructed by the thoughts of COVID-19, while in the classroom.

Mrs Donkoh said in her opinion, many people were getting comfortable easily mingling with their family and friends amid COVD-19, and that could lead to easy spread.

“In these abnormal times, I appeal that we take every precautionary measure serious, by stopping the virus first from getting into contact with us through frequent handwashing with soap under running water, observation of social distancing protocol, use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, and wearing of our face masks anytime we are about to leave the house.

“We should enjoy these times by living right, so we can live well when all these are over,” she advised.

Mr Gershon Hlordzi, Headmaster of the Kasoa Papase St. Peter’s Catholic Basic School, thanked the Foundation for the support, which he said had arrived at the right time.
Even though government had given them an assurance to be given PPE, he said the school was yet to receive them as it was the first day of reopening.

“Therefore these items from Escof Zinnia is timely and it will help us a lot to sustain the hygiene needs of the students in this trying time as we await that of government,” he said.

Mr Richard Kwasi Enninful, Headmaster of the Awutu-Adawukwao Catholic Basic School, said his school did not expect to receive COVID-19 relief items from a nongovernmental organisation, especially right on the resumption date and therefore, this came as a surprise and he was very appreciative.

On behalf of Management and the students, he expressed gratitude to the Foundation for showing concern towards their wellbeing.