Kwesimentim NDC Parliamentary candidate commends Western Region

Kwesimintsin, April 18, GNA – Mr Fifi Buckman, the National Democratic Congress Parliamentary Aspirant for the Kwesimintsin constituency has applauded the leadership of the Region for showing leadership in managing the first case of COVID-19 pandemic recorded in the Region last Sunday.

“It’s refreshing to read the said piece as it shows good leadership to expeditiously come out with information in respect of the reported case in our beloved region to avoid unnecessary speculations, which has the tendency of putting fear in all of us. Kudos for showing leadership.”

In a statement signed and copied to the Ghana News Agency, he noted the need for some important pre-emptive measures to be instituted with various heads of institutions to properly handle cases.

He therefore recommended the setting up of a COVID-19 Testing Centre at the Effia-Nkwanta hospital to test those suspected cases in real time.

He proposed the setting up of a non-partisan team to plan ahead to ensure smooth and prudent and safe distribution of foodstuffs and food to those in need to avoid the unsafe and chaos in the lockdown regions.

The Aspirant also made a humble appeal to individuals and institutions to sponsor the procurement of the necessary PPEs for health workers whilst liaising with the Regional Health Directorate to put out timely information to avoid speculations that might lead to fear and panic.

“The Regional Health Directorate must identify and prepare possible isolation centres outside hospitals to prevent inadvertent spread of the infection”, he added.

On education, the aspirant called for adequate resourcing of the Information service department and the National Commission for Civic Education to intensify education and awareness through the length and breadth of the region in respect of the laid down rules and directives to be observed in respect of the prevention of infection.