Workshop on sexual violence held at Gushegu

By Sulemana Zakaria

Gushegu (N/R), March 28, GNA – Pan – African Organisation for Research and Protection of Violence on Women and Children (PAORP-VWC) has held a two-day participatory workshop on sexual violence, sexuality rights, single mothers, and the right to bodily autonomy.

The workshop, supported by the African Women’s Development Fund, sought to ensure the right to bodily autonomy, equality and non-discrimination, freedom from violence, coercion, and ability to access information and education about sexuality.

Participants included religious and traditional leaders, single mothers, women, girls, and the security agencies.

Topics treated included statistics and prevalence, types of sexual violence, warning signs and red flags, consent, and healthy relationships, supporting survivors, prevention and actions, resources, and support.

Eunice Adogopase, Project Officer of PAORP-VWC, speaking at the workshop at Gushegu in the Northern Region, urged participants to share the knowledge gained with their community members.

Daniel Ediemu of the Ghana Police Service at Gushegu appealed to stakeholders to promote awareness and prevention, urging community members not to blame only victims.

He appealed to stakeholders and parents to listen to the survivors without judgement, believe them, offer support and resources, and respect their boundaries and decisions.

Jafaru Mohammed, Gushegu Municipal Director, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice appealed to members of the public to show love and affection to survivors of abuses.

Sheikh Ibrahim, Gushegu Municipal Director of Department of Social Welfare, called for empowerment through self-defense training, peer support and mentorship, innovative technologies, and platforms as well as collaboration and partnerships to tackle the phenomenon.