LifeNet International launches maternal health project  

By Comfort Sena Fetrie-Akagbor

Tamale, March 22, GNA – LifeNet International, a faith-based NGO, has launched the Enhanced Post Partum Hemorrhage (PPH) Prevention using Heat Stable Carbetocin project aimed at reducing maternal mortality.  

Mr Idris Buabeng, Country Director of LifeNet International, speaking during the launch in Tamale, said the one-year project was supported by a coalition of partners including FERRING pharmaceuticals (Project Family – Safe Birth), the Catalytic Opportunity Fund (COF) and implemented by LifeNet International in collaboration with the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG). 

The project is being implemented in 55 health facilities in 10 regions of the country.  

Mr Shep Owen, President of LifeNet International said each year, about 14 million women experienced Post Partum Hemorrhage, which resulted in about 70,000 maternal deaths globally.   

He said, “In Ghana, PPH accounts for approximately 30 per cent of maternal mortality with systemic barriers such as inadequate access to quality uterotonic drugs, poor pharmaceutical management and low adherence to updated guidelines.” 

He said the prime aim of LifeNet International was to transform health facilities across Africa to provide sustainable healthcare and save lives.  

Mr Peter Ayamba, Director of Health, Navorongo-Bolgatanga Catholic Diocese said LifeNet International’s activities had improved the performance of health workers, particularly on the care they provided to patients. 

He said “LifeNet’s work is also encouraging health workers to remain and work in hard to reach and deprived areas.” 

Dr James Duah, Deputy Executive Director of CHAG, praised LifeNet International for the support it provided to CHAG member facilities in the area of training of health workers to deliver better medical services to clients. 

He advised health facility managers to take advantage of the support LifeNet International offered to develop their facilities.  

He spoke about the use of Heat Stable Carbetocin in the prevention of Post Partum Hemorrhage and encouraged health facility members to accept the medication in their health facilities, adding that there were many kinds of unapproved and fake medications on the market. 

Dr Vishal Shah, Medical and Real-world Evidence Director at Project Family – Safe Birth said FERRING was committed to driving access to heat stable carbetocin, which was a potential game-changer in addressing maternal deaths due to bleeding after birth. 

Miss Atieno Jalang’o, Africa Project Coordinator for Project Family – Safe Birth, emphasised FERRING’s commitment to saving 20 million women by 2030 and said the goal could be achieved by providing heat-stable carbetocin at affordable price in low, and lower-middle-income countries.  

As part of the project, midwives, nurses, and clinicians were being trained in the latest methods for effective prevention and management of Post Partum Hemorrhage, including using the E-MOTIVE strategy and Heat Stable Carbetocin.