Kwesikrom in Ahanta West district has no basic school facilities

By Mildred Siabi-Mensah

Kwesikrom(WR), March 17, GNA – The Kwesikrom community in the Ahanta West Municipality has no basic school facilities to promote access to education and acquisition of formal knowledge for human development.

The community also lacked primary healthcare facility coupled with improper liquid and solid waste disposal systems thus entrenching open defecation in that area.

Meanwhile, the quest for young people in the community to taste formal education means a daily trek of three kilometres, an ordeal to endure in reaching the closest facilities in neighbouring communities.

The Ghana News Agency’s visit to the community revealed that children between the ages of seven mostly took the daily three kilometre walk to the nearest school in Sankor also in the district.

Meanwhile, the part to be tread by these children were usually challenging, bushy and exposing these children to dangers and even encouraging dropouts.

Maame Ama Brounoma, a 62-year-old who’s two grandchildren were involved in this daily hassle to access quality education said, “I am thinking of letting them stop the school because sometimes they get home late, bath in mud because of the poor road network also.

” I felt sad yesterday when it rained. My grand children came home with their school uniform soaked with muddy water…I can’t watch them suffer in the name of accessing basic human rights”, she added.

Meanwhile, the Ahanta West Directorate of education said the Directorate had constructed a KG block in the community as a first measure to providing educational facilities in the area.