ECG bemoans recent transformer vandalisation at Bogoso 

By Seth Danquah

Takoradi, Feb 02, GNA – Mr Emmanuel Justice Ofori, General Manager of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) in the Western Region, has condemned the recent vandalisation of three transformers at Bogoso by thieves. 

He expressed concern that such unscrupulous acts did not only unleash inconvenience and discomfort to customers but also came at a cost to the company. 

He noted that the incident had resulted in power outages and disruptions to the community. 

Speaking to the GNA on the development, Mr Ofori called on Assembly Members, opinion leaders, and the public to be vigilant and report any suspected unusual activity around ECG installations.  

According to him, all electrical equipment in communities was for the benefit of the community, and all must show greater care so that a few miscreants did not deny a lot of the benefits of such investments. 

Mr Benjamin Dodoo, District Manager for Bogoso said the incident was seen by the Assembly Members of the affected communities and reported to the ECG office. 

He announced that the incident had since been reported to the police and investigations were being carried out. 

It would be recalled that some unidentified persons vandalised three transformers in Bogoso under the Bogoso District of the ECG. 

Two of the affected transformers, 50kVA and 200kVA, were in the circuit serving the Community Water at Bepoh Bridge and some bungalows at Anlonkwanta.  

The other affected one, which was a 100kVA dedicated transformer at Samahu was, however, not in the circuit.