By Robert Tachie Menson
Dormaa-Ahenkro (B/R), Dec. 26, GNA – The Dormaa Presbyterian Hospital (DPH) recorded four new-borns on Christmas Eve, December 24, Madam Gifty Twumsiwaa, the Senior Midwifery Officer at the facility has said.
She said all the babies including a boy and three girls were born through Caesarean Section and added they were all in good condition.
In an interview with Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Dormaa-Ahenkro, Madam Twumsiwaa said three of the babies were delivered around 21:29 hours with the others born between 22:36 hours and 23:36 hours and another one around 24:18 hours.
She commended the nursing mothers for taking their ante-natal care seriously and urged other pregnant women to do the same.
Abenaa Mary, one of the nursing mothers and a farmer, told the GNA she was happy and expressed appreciation to God and the health workers on duty for the safe delivery.
“We have decided to name our child Emmanuel because he was born on Christmas Eve,” she stated with a smile.