WVG launches WIP, helps 16 Districts to market WASH prgrammes

By Benjamin Mensah

Accra, Sept 15, GNA – World Vision Ghana, (WVG), a Christian humanitarian organisation, has launched in Accra, WASH Investment Plan (WIP), a strategic document designed to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to deliver Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) services in districts across the country. 

A WASH Investment Plan is a process as well as an output, which draws on technical, strategic, and collaborative capacities and uses various tools to collect and analyse data to support decision-making. 

The plan outlines a clear roadmap to achieving the targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal Six, which focuses on clean water and sanitation for all. 

The launching formed part of a summit dubbed the Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs) WASH Investment Plan Marketing Summit; and was on the theme: “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All: Unlocking Opportunities for Partnership with MMDA.”  

With illegal mining soaring, threatening the supply of drinking water amidst growing sanitation challenges, the meeting recognised an urgent need for increased investment and funding in WASH infrastructure and services to address challenges in sanitation and access to clean water. 

Development partners, private sector players and philanthropist that have stakes in access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene participated in the summit that was organised to allow the District Assemblies to preset and showcase investment plans they have developed. 

Mr  Robel Wamisho, WASH Programme Manager for WVG speaking at the summit said: “This carefully crafted plan also serves as an effective tool for the local government, communities, private sector, and development partners to coordinate efforts, harmonise systems and mobilise resources for implementation. 

Mr. Wamisho said further: “The summit serves as a marketplace for MMDAs to present their investment plans, demonstrate their commitment, and showcase opportunities to attract potential donors and partners.” 

At the summit, the 16 District Assemblies from the five regions of Northern Ghana discussed how to ensure sustainable financing and stronger collaborations to improve WASH services nationwide. 

The districts are: Mion, Daffiama Busie Issa, Sagnarigu, Wa East, Sissala West, Nadowli-Kaleo, Tempane, Bawku West, Garu, Mamprugu Moagduri, Gushegu, Sissala West, Karaga, East Mamprusi, Yendi and Nanton. 

Supporting the WIPs means contributing to the attainment of SDG6 by bringing transformation and sustainable social impact on the communities while promoting brand visibility,” Mr. Wamisho said. 

Mr Wamisho stressed the need for more funding and other resources to address the challenges in sanitation and access to clean water. 

Mr Yaw Atta Arhin, WASH Technical Specialist for WVG, called for intensified efforts to protect Ghana’s water resources. 

Mrs Emefa Baidoo, Deputy Chief of the Party of the Global Communities, stressed that private-public partnerships were crucial to prioritise WASH services and their implementation at the local level. 

Under the USAID funded Enhancing WASH Activities Project, World Vision in collaboration with Global Communities and with the guidance of the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) and the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources assist the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies to prepare WIP and incorporate the plans into the Medium-Term Development Plan.