Keta residents call for immediate action to safeguard coastal belt 

By Evans Worlanyo Ameamu

Keta (V/R), Aug 24, GNA – Residents along the coastal belt within the Keta and Anloga districts of the Volta Region have called on the authorities to take expedited action to safeguard lives and property from tidal wave disturbances.  

They said urgent action would mitigate further destruction of recreational areas along the coast and conserve the beach for more economical activities.   

Mr Mawuli Joe Degue, a tourist and a social commentator, told the Ghana News Agency in an interview that the coastal belt faced imminent destruction if immediate steps were not taken to mitigate the effects of the tidal waves.  

“Research shows that in seven to 13 years to come, all the communities along the coast, from Dixcove to Afloa will be destroyed if sea defense is not constructed to safeguard the shores, ” he stated.  

He said the only mechanism to save all communities along the coast was to build a proper sea defence wall, which must be prioritised by the Government.  

“All recreational and tourism areas along the coast are also at risk and individuals, philanthropists, corporate organisations, and the Government should intervene,” he said.   

“The land along the coast is for the country and we are not expecting the government of the day to sit without doing anything.”  

Mr Degue charged all stakeholders; traditional rulers, heads of institutions, and assembly members among others to champion the cause for a sea defence project.  

Communities such as Kporkporgbor, Dzahagbe, Fuveme, in Anloga District were wiped off by the tidal waves.   

He appealed to the authorities to visit and learn from other countries such as Cote D’Ivoire, Togo, and Benin, on managing the tidal wave situation.  

Other residents expressed fear over the situation and appealed for the construction of a defence wall to save them.