Food and drink vendors in Hohoe to undergo health screening  

By Edward Williams  

Hohoe (V/R), June 20, GNA – Food and drink vendors in all communities within the Hohoe Municipality of the Volta region are to undergo a health screening exercise from Monday, June 24 to Friday, July 31, 2024.  

The exercise is in accordance with the Foods and Drugs Authority Regulations that seek to protect public health from food and water-borne diseases and infections. 

Mr William Meledi, Hohoe Municipal Coordinating Director, in a letter issued to stakeholders and vendors, indicated that all food processors, cooks, vendors and sellers of all manner of food and drinks were required by law to undergo medical tests and screening to determine their health statuses before serving the public.  

He said the Municipal Environmental Health Unit in partnership with Sualroof Enterprise, an organisation in Public Health Promotion was organising the 2024 Annual Health Screening and Education Exercise.  

Mr Meledi said the objective of the exercise was to ensure that only persons, who were medically fit were allowed to process, prepare, serve and or offer food and drinks for sale to the public. 

He urged all persons, groups and organisations engaged in the processing, preparation, distribution, sales and, or vending of any food, drinks, drugs or herbal preparation, meat products, fish as well as fruits meant for public consumption were kindly requested to avail themselves to undergo the exercise. 

Mr Meledi said any vendor, who failed to undergo the screening shall be sanctioned as stipulated in the Foods and Drugs Authority Regulations and the Bylaws of the Assembly. 

The cost of the medical examination and certification is GH¢45.00 per head.