Cyprus residents grapple with heatwave and drought

Athens, Jun. 4, (dpa/GNA) – Temperatures on Cyprus, including in the capital Nicosia, are expected to rise to 42 degrees Celsius during the day, the Cypriot meteorological office said on Tuesday.

On the coasts, it is expected to rise to 37 degrees.

Along with the extreme heat, there are also concerns about water reservoirs. Due to an unusually dry winter, the water reservoirs of the small EU island republic are only 42% full, Cypriot media reported, citing the water authority. In June last year, they were almost 66% full.

The heatwave, which is expected to last until Friday, and the drought are partly a consequence of climate change, meteorologists said.

Doctors advised the elderly and people with heart and respiratory problems to stay at home, and said people should avoid working outdoors after midday.