Bulgaria: Avionams, Lockheed Martin Global INC sign agreement for implementation of three projects

Sofia, June 5 (BTA/GNA) – The state-owned aircraft maintenance company Avionams and Lockheed Martin Global INC signed an industrial cooperation agreement on the implementation of three projects, said the Defence Ministry. The document was signed Wednesday within the framework of the Defence Equipment and Services Exhibition “HEMUS 2024” in the southern city of Plovdiv.

The Plovdiv-based Avionams is one of Europe’s largest aircraft overhaul and maintenance plants.

The Wednesday agreement is part of an industrial cooperation program under a Letter of Agreement (LOA) BU-D-SAB (F-16 Block 70 aircraft and associated support) between the US company and the Bulgarian Economy and Industry Ministry.

By the Letter of Agreement, signed on July 11, 2019, Bulgaria contracted the acquisition from Lockheed Martin Corp. of eight multi-role F-16 Block 70 aircraft and associated support, munitions, Sidewinder AIM 9X Block II Missiles and associated material and services at a price of USD 1.2 billion. The equipment is to be provided under the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme.

The 16th International Defence Equipment and Services Exhibition “HEMUS 2024” opened here on Wednesday on the International Fair grounds and will be on until June 8.