Youth of Kandiga, Doba reaffirm commitments to preserving prevailing peace 

By Anthony Adongo Apubeo 

Pusu-Namongo (U/E), March 01, GNA – The youth of Kandiga and Doba in the Kassena-Nankana West District and Kassena-Nankana Municipality have reaffirmed their commitment to preserve the prevailing peace between the two communities. 

The two communities engaged in a communal conflict that lasted almost three years due to a misunderstanding over a piece of land leading to the loss of lives and destruction of properties. 

It took the intervention of a team of traditional leaders led by Naba Atogumdeya Akwara II, the Paramount Chief of the Sirigu Traditional Area with support from other stakeholders including the Catholic Diocese of Navrongo-Bolgatanga to mediate and helped the communities to embrace peace in 2023. 

After almost a year since peace was brokered, a nondenominational service was held to mark the beginning of the restoration of peace and stability between the two communities, where the youth vowed to work to sustain the peace and continue to work together towards developing the two communities harmoniously. 

This became known at Pusu-Namongo in the Talensi District during training on business for peace, organised by the Navrongo-Bolgatanga Catholic Diocesan Development Organisation (NABOCADO), a faith-based organisation. 

Under the Integrated Peacebuilding for Improved Food and Nutrition Support (INPEACE) project, with funding support from the MISEREOR, the engagement brought together youth from both Kandiga and Doba communities to deliberate on ways to sustain the peace. 

Mr Dominic Aware, Chairman of the Kandiga youth, noted that the conflict had caused lots of wounds to the communities and had retarded the development of the communities which they wished had not happened. 

He said apart from sticking to the terms of the peace agreement, the two communities had established internal structures that had over the year helped to resolve small disagreements among residents of the communities. 

“Unlike before where we could not cross to each other’s community, now we attend each other’s markets, functions, funerals and even dine and wine together. We also undertake our farming activities and our businesses without fear because we understand that the conflict was destroying us,” he added. 

Mr Raymond Ajusiwine, Chairman of the Doba youth, explained that access to water from a dam located within the two communities by farmers for dry season farming was one of the issues that was still creating problems, however, the two communities had established structures where cases were referred to for impartial redress. 

“It has worked really well for us, and the young people are appreciating that we are one and there is no need to fight over resources that we can all benefit and we intend to keep the prevailing peace,” he assured. 

Naba Thomas Aluman Apasinaba II, the Paramount Chief of Sherigu Traditional Area and member of the mediation team, commended the two communities for embracing and preserving peace over the year, adding that it had restored life back to the communities. 

He appealed to government and major institutions to assist the communities with social and economic support to ensure that their livelihoods were fully restored and propel accelerated development. 

Dr Joseph Bangu, the Director of Good Governance, Justice and Peace Directorate, NABOCADO, commended the two communities for their commitment to consolidating the existing peace which the Catholic Church under the Sahel Peace Initiative had played a role. 

He appealed to people seeking political positions in the upcoming general elections to work towards developing the two communities and desist from activities and statements that would mar the prevailing peace.