WASHUN calls on Kenyan authorities to investigate shooting of KMPDU’s General Secretary

Accra, March O1, GNA – The West African Health Sector Unions Network (WAHSUN) has called on the Kenyan Authorities to investigate the shooting of the General Secretary of the Kenyan Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) and bring the perpetuators to justice.

Dr. Davji Bhimji Attellah, the General Secretary of the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Dentists Union (KMPDU), had embarked on a peaceful protest with his colleagues on 29th February 2024 to demand the release of funds allocated for the deployment of medical interns and the payment of post-graduate fees, essential for the future of healthcare in Kenya.

In a press release signed and issued to the Ghana News Agency by Madam Perpetual Ofori-Ampofo, Chairman and Ayegbe Ojonugwa, Secretary, of WAHSUN, the group said, “We find the action of his shooting as unnecessary brutal force exerted by the Kenyan authorities to suppress the expression of Trade Union rights through demonstrations, picketing and strikes.

We stand in solidarity with the KMPDU, the Public Services International and its over 700 affiliates
across the world and other well meaning organisations and groups to call on the Kenyan government
to take action by investigating the incident and bringing the perpetrators to justice.”

It further called for the release of the required funds for the deployment of the medical interns and the needed post-grad-uate fees.

“We request the understanding of all and sundry that better conditions of service and the general peace of mind of a health worker has correlation with the provision of safe and quality health services and therefore the needs of health workers should be considered as essential at all times just like the services we provide.”

We wish Dr. Davji Bhimji Attellah a speedy recovery and assure the KMPDU of our continued sup-

We further encourage our KMPDU comrades not to feel discouraged but remain resolute in
these difficult times,the press release said.

WAHSUN is a network of health sector unions in West Africa affiliated with the Public Services In-

It was established in November 2007 on the principles and strategies of solidarity towards the promotion of international workers solidarity.