UN security Council once again delays vote on draft Gaza compromise 

New York, Dec. 22, (dpa/GNA) - Following fundamental changes to a compromise draft for a Gaza resolution in the UN Security Council, a vote was once again postponed on Thursday. 

Several countries had to consult with their governments, it was said. In talks behind closed doors, some council members had expressed dissatisfaction with the watered-down text on increasing humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip. 

The text is the result of intensive negotiations between the US, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt. In the past few days, the negotiators had gone a long way towards Israel’s ally, the US, in order to prevent a veto and thus a failure of the resolution. 

The text, which was made available to dpa, calls on Israel to immediately allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip. The conditions for a sustainable cessation of violence must also be created, the draft stipulates. 

Members of the UN’s most powerful body reached a compromise on the controversial issue of how the goods are to be checked: the checks are to be carried out by a newly appointed UN coordinator. In cooperation with all actors, this coordinator should also ensure the acceleration of international aid. 

Other passages were deleted under pressure from the US, including a paragraph condemning all violations of international humanitarian law, including all indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian objects. A previously demanded immediate suspension of violence to allow aid deliveries is also missing from the current draft. 

The vote was postponed several times due to the threat of a US veto. However, following the major concessions made by the negotiators, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that she would not veto the vote. 

Adoption requires at least nine votes in favour from the 15 members. The veto powers US, China, Russia, Great Britain and France must all vote in favour for the text to pass. 

As a result of Israel’s warfare over the past 10 weeks, the humanitarian situation for the more than 2 million people in the Gaza Strip is dire. Almost everyone in the Gaza Strip is suffering from hunger and displacement, and according to the UN, more aid deliveries are urgently needed. 

Israel launched a ferocious months-long all-out assault on the Gaza Strip after terrorist attacks by the Islamist group Hamas in southern Israel on October 7.