At least 300 killed in Israel in Hamas attacks from Gaza

Tel Aviv, Oct 8, (dpa/GNA) – At least 300 people were killed and more than 1,590 were wounded in Israel in the major attack launched by Hamas from the Gaza Strip, according to medical sources.

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli retaliatory strikes killed at least 232 people and wounded nearly 1,700, according to the Health Ministry there.

The Palestinian militant organization Hamas fired more than 3,000 rockets into Israel on Saturday, launching a day of violence.

Armed Palestinians advanced into Israel by land, sea and air, according to the Israeli army. There were heavy rocket attacks late in the evening in several cities, including in Tel Aviv.

Some attackers had also barricaded themselves in houses with Israeli hostages. According to military reports, several Israelis were taken into the Gaza Strip.

The death toll has been rising all day.