Palestinian killed after five Israelis wounded in West Bank shooting

Tel Aviv, Aug. 1, (dpa/GNA) – At least five Israelis were injured in a shooting attack at a shopping centre in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday, medics reported.

The incident took place in Maale Adumim, an Israeli settlement east of Jerusalem that is home to some 40,000 people.

The Palestinian attacker was shot dead by an off-duty border police officer, police said. The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death.

The Magen David Adom ambulance service said a 40-year-old man was among the injured and in serious condition.

A spokesman for the Islamist group Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, spoke of a “heroic shooting,” but did not directly claim responsibility.

The security situation in Israel and the West Bank has been worsening, with 23 Israelis, one Ukrainian and one Italian killed in attacks by Palestinians since the start of the year.

During the same period, 166 Palestinians died in Israeli military operations, confrontations or after their own attacks. The majority are armed combatants, but innocent civilians are also often killed in military operations.